Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Animal Farm- Chapter 6

While building the windmill, Napoleon declares that dealing with humans would be crucial in order to finish it. The animals didn't like the idea because they had sworn off dealing with humans all together. The compromise was that there was only one human they would deal with to do all the trading through, Whymper. Later on in the chapter it is found out that the pigs had broken one of their commandments by sleeping in the beds that were in the farmhouse that served as the pigs' headquarters. When the animals went to go double check the commandment plaque, the commandment had read "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets." This reminds me of how today when people break some sort of law or rule, they always twist the law to their benefit. Laws used to be so black and white and nowadays there seems to be all kinds of shades of grey. At the end of the chapter the windmill had been destroyed, and the destruction was blamed all on the exiled pig, Snowball. It's so funny how people do the same thing when something in the world goes wrong, they blame somebody else.

1 comment:

  1. I have to read this book again. Do you think of the characters as animals or as people now? Or both?
